2005/06/15 | 人类绩效技术(HPT)道德规范层面的六条原则
类别(教育技术发展研究ET R) | 评论(0) | 阅读(103) | 发表于 17:43
因为我对Code of Ethics(道德规范)的人文性很感兴趣,所以认为有必要了解一下外国对教育技术工作者伦理道德如何规范。以上这六条原则是我参考以下资料的六点翻译过来的,以资借鉴。
以下资料来源:http://www.ispi.org/左侧的HPT &HPT Education栏目
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics is intended to promote ethical practice in the profession. For both grand-parenting and regular certification, you must sign a statement that you agree to conduct yourself in ways that are in keeping with the principles on which the Code is based. The Code of Ethics that is based on six principles:

1,Add value Principle. Strive to conduct yourself, and manage your projects and their results, in ways that add value for your clients, their customers and the global environment.

2,Validated Practice Principle. Make use of and promote validated practices in performance technology strategies and standards.

3,Collaboration Principle. Work collaboratively with clients and users, functioning as a trustworthy strategic partner.

4,Continuous Improvement Principle. Continually improve your proficiency in the field of performance technology.

5,Integrity Principle. Be honest and truthful in your representations to clients, colleagues and others with whom you may come in contact while practicing performance technology.

6,Uphold Confidentiality Principle. Maintain client confidentiality, not allowing for any conflict of interest that would benefit yourself or others.
